GHG Emissions Analysis

Reports on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout well operations, identifying the most carbon-intensive activities and optimizing the selection of appropriate solutions for GHG mitigation during the well construction process

offshore rig in vector

ID3 offers an unprecedented vision of drilling activities and their related GHG emissions to expose the most energy-intense operations. A cautious analysis of these data provides practical indicators for the most efficient use of diesel generators. This proactive energy management supports operators and contractors in delivering a proactive sustainability strategy with measurable results.

Our team of energy industry specialists provides detailed reports on greenhouse gas emissions throughout well operations, identifying the most carbon-intensive activities and streamlining the process of pinpointing effective solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions during well construction.

The analysis can be performed on a multi-well or multi-rig comparison and can be tailored according to a given environment (rig type, well type, engine efficiency) and operational conditions. Full compliance with relevant environmental regulations and industry standards governing GHG emissions must be met. Depending on the jurisdiction, operators may be required to report emissions data to regulatory authorities and implement measures to minimize environmental impact.