
ID3 Software at the IADC World Drilling Conference in Madrid

ID3 Software

ID3 Software team participated in the IADC World Drilling Conference in Madrid, an annual event organized by the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). This conference offers an opportunity for professionals from the drilling industry to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and trends in drilling technology and operations.

At the conference, ID3 Software showcased its comprehensive suite of solutions for drilling operations.

ID3 Reporting enables efficient monitoring of well execution through a comprehensive set of daily reports (such as Daily Drilling Report, HSE report, BHA assembly, etc.) available on a user-friendly web platform. Certain quantitative data is automatically computed based on the interpretation of rig sensor data. These reports are typically compiled on-site at the rig, but they are also accessible from headquarters and fully synchronized with other modules.

ID3 Look Ahead in conjunction with ID3 Reporting, offers a feature that encompasses various functionalities. Firstly, it supports Timelog compilation by enabling drag-and-drop functionality to transfer activities from Look Ahead to Timelog. Additionally, it provides operations versus rig function matrix capabilities. A rig function, such as logistics, maintenance, services, or other resources, is mapped to each operation code. Therefore, Look Ahead facilitates automated updating of equipment or service planning.

ID3 Benchmark allows for the consolidation of all information from different rigs, combining sensor data from the rigs with reporting data. The Multi Well Benchmark features a powerful rig state detection system, the results of which are then merged with daily reporting codes. This integration enables the generation of hundreds of KPIs for both drilling and flat activities. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of operations across all rigs, allowing for performance comparisons against historical wells or company targets.

ID3 Real-Time allows for the consolidation of different data streams on the rig and monitors the performance of current operations by comparing them against a set of targets or benchmarks (e.g., operations previously performed or company targets). The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) available in this module are derived from a combination of rig sensors and reporting data.

ID3 Prediction detects potential wellbore issues during drilling activities. This software identifies anomalies in drilling parameters using a combination of methodologies, machine learning algorithms, and a set of physical rules. The calculations are performed in real-time, and the prediction results can be integrated into the ID3 Real-Time Performance module or other third-party visualization tools.

ID3 Carbon Footprint provides an unprecedented insight into activities and their related GHG emissions. A careful analysis of these data offers practical indicators for the most efficient use of diesel generators. This proactive energy management supports operators and contractors in implementing a proactive sustainability strategy with measurable results.

ID3 Data Manager is used to gather data from different rigs, standardize it (e.g., mnemonics, units of measure), store it in a common database, and then distribute it to all relevant software. Centrally installed, this module also performs QA/QC on the data coming from the rigs to ensure consistent analyses.