Processes Digitalization

ID3 Integration with Third Party Systems

ID3 Software

Intrinsically, ID3 Software is an integrated solution, ingesting and combining high and low frequency data from several sources. In addition to this, id3 clients can benefit from further data import and export capabilities to support a wide array of business processes.

For example, it is possible to either import historical data in a separate ID3 module in order to keep them accessible, or to convert them to the new id3 structure in order to make years of data available directly in the same ID3 module used for monitoring and inserting live operations.

When extending existing processes to share data, ID3 software can provide easy to integrate interfaces to let companies bring ID3-powered insight into their existing data flow. Whether it is a piece of information inserted by a user, or a datum computed by ID3 powerful internal algorithms, it is possible to get them via REST API, CSV, or Excel file. This ensures compatibility with both BI real time dashboard and offline data analysis.